What to expect, when you are expecting Part II

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you what kind of food you should avoid during pregnancy and what to eat for a better health for you and your baby

Hoy me gustaria continuar con un tema, que cada dia es mas preocupante en nuestra Sociedad, el tema de la alimentacion en general, de esto, es algo que me gustaria hablar mas Adelante, pero hoy quiero centrarme en la alimentacion durante el embarazo. En post anteriores (aqui) ya incursione un tanto en el tema y me siento comprometida a compartir esta informacion que  a mi personalmente, me ayudo a tener un embarazo saludable, por supuesto acompañado de otras rutinas, pero desde mi punto de vista, esta fue la mas importante. En realidad, ¡¡¡¡ Somos los que comemos!!!!

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you what kind of food you should avoid during pregnancy and what to eat for a better health for you and your baby

Siempre que hablo de algun tema relacionado con el embarazo, especifico mas o menos de que periodo durante este proceso estoy hablando, ya que como muchas sabeis, cada persona es diferente y lo que me ha venido bien a mi, puede que no sea de la misma manera para otra persona, lo mismo sucede con la alimentacion, puede que al principio del embarazo por cuestiones de salud el medico os haya prohibido algun alimento, o hayais tenido un comienzo del embarazo con muchas nauseas (no fue mi caso) y hayais evitado determinado alimento al menos durante esta etapa.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you what kind of food you should avoid during pregnancy and what to eat for a better health for you and your baby

Hoy me gustaria referirme al tercer mes de embarazo, un momento crucial, ya que normalmente a partir de esta fase es cuando comenzamos a hacer vida normal, sin olvidar por supuesto que estamos embarazadas.
Una Buena dieta durante el embarazo no tiene porque ser complicado en absoluto. Si hay alguna regla a tener siempre en cuenta es que debemos hacer que cada caloria cuente, con esta afirmacion me refiero a que es mucho mas saludable ingerir 100 calorias de un vaso de leche,  preferiblemente vegetal, que de un vaso de soda. Hay que considerar siempre que cuando estamos en estado solo necesitamos un extra de 300 calorias diarias. ¿Sabiais que las mujeres embarazadas deberian ganar entre 25 a 35 lb ( entre 11 y 15 kg) durante todo el embarazo, en especial Segundo y tercer trimestre. Las mujeres con sobrepeso deberian ganar entre 15 a 25 lb ( 6 a 11kg) y las mujeres muy delgadas no mas de  28 a 40 lb ( 12 a 18 kg).

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you what kind of food you should avoid during pregnancy and what to eat for a better health for you and your baby

Como comentaba al principio, este usualmente es uno de los peores momentos del embarazo, ya que la mayoria de las mujeres suelen tener muchas nauseas, contra esto, siento deciros que no podemos hacer nada, pero si podemos darle una pequeña ayuda a nuestro organismo. Si sueles tener nauseas en las mañanas trata de comer algunas galletas (no dulces) antes de levantarte de la cama. Comer entre 4 y 5 pequeñas porciones de comida durante el dia suele ser mas beneficioso que comer tres muy abundantes, esto suele ayudar en esta fase puesto que mantiene nuestro estomago ni muy lleno, ni muy vacio, que es lo que produce las nauseas.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you what kind of food you should avoid during pregnancy and what to eat for a better health for you and your baby

La dieta debe ser equilibrada siendo esenciales las frutas de la estacion, los vegetales frescos, los cereales integrales, las legumbres y el pescado. Debemos limitar el consumo de azucares refinados – no solo en esta etapa sino cotidianamente- de comidas envasadas y de grasas saturadas. Se Deben consumir preferiblemente vegetales y carnes de cultivo organico.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you what kind of food you should avoid during pregnancy and what to eat for a better health for you and your baby

No debemos olvidar que si nuestro medico nos manda a tomar vitaminas prenatales, asegurarnos no dejar de tomarlas durante todo el embarazo. Las multivitaminas con  400 a 800 microgramos de acido folico reduciran el riesgo de malformaciones en el bebe, pero no se puede olvidar que estos suplementos son solo eso, el refuerzo de una buena dieta, no su sustituto.

En proximas entradas, seguiremos abordando este tema, que espero os pueda ser de utilidad pues todas tenemos algun familiar o amiga que este en estado y seguramente le resultara interesante.

Si os ha gustado no olvideis compartir en vuestras redes sociales y suscribiros a nuestra newsletter para asi no perderos ninguna de mis publicaciones

Besos miles y mucho amor
Alba X Mylovelypeople


Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you what kind of food you should avoid during pregnancy and what to eat for a better health for you and your baby

Today I would like to continue with a subject that it’s really worrying in our society, it’s about what we eat, it is a subject that I’m really concerned and I would like to talk about it further on, but today I’d like to talk about what we should eat during pregnancy. In previous post (here) I started talking about this particular issue and now more than ever I feel compelled to share this information with all of you, because, as I told before, it was very useful for me to stay healthy during my pregnancy of course together with exercises and other kind of routines but for me this is the most important, not only during pregnancy but also in our normal life, don’t forget that we are what we eat!.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you what kind of food you should avoid during pregnancy and what to eat for a better health for you and your baby

When I talk about pregnancy I always try to mention what specific moment of this process I’m referring to, remember that every person is different and what happened to me it’s possible that was not what happened to you, so its the same with diet during pregnancy. Maybe at the beginning you suffer of nauseas or morning sickness ( in fact I didn’t) or maybe your doctor due to healthy problems prohibited some food, be that as it may you have to keep in mind that you should try and if its good for you, you can go on with it.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you what kind of food you should avoid during pregnancy and what to eat for a better health for you and your baby

Today I’m going to focus on the third month which from my point of view its a crucial moment when you are expecting, since you can usually continuous with your normal life always keeping in mind that you are pregnant.
A good pregnancy diet doesn’t have to be complicated. If there’s one rule to follow, it’s to make that every calorie count!. Its better to get 100 calories from a glass of milk – especially if it’s vegetable milk, than from a glass of soda. Keep in mind that you only need an extra 300 calories per day. Did you know that when you are pregnant you should gain 25 to 35 pounds (11 y 15 kg) most of them in the second and third trimester. If you were overweight before pregnancy you should gain 15 to 25 pounds ( 6 to 11 kg), underweight? 28 to 40 pounds (12 a 18 kg).

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you what kind of food you should avoid during pregnancy and what to eat for a better health for you and your baby

As I say before, the third month is a turning point during pregnancy due  to the fact that many women have nauseas at this moment , so I will give you some tips to feel better. Nausea, or morning sickness (which can strike at any time during the day, affects as many as three out of four pregnant women at the first trimester, so if you feel sick in the morning, try eating dry saltine crackers before you get out of bed. Eating four or five small meals a day rather than three larger ones may help, because it keeps your stomach from getting too full or too empty.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you what kind of food you should avoid during pregnancy and what to eat for a better health for you and your baby

Your pregnancy diet must be a well balanced diet, you must eat fresh fruit as much as you can, vegetables, whole wheat cereal, beans and fish. We should avoid – and not only during pregnancy- some kind of food, as refined sugar, canned food and saturated fats. You should try to vegetables and meats, especially organic.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you what kind of food you should avoid during pregnancy and what to eat for a better health for you and your baby

Don’t forget that if your doctor prescribes prenatal vitamins, be sure to take them throughout your pregnancy. A multi with 400 to 800 micrograms of folic acid will greatly reduce the risk of birth defects, but keep in mind that supplements enhance a good diet but they don’t replace it.

In forthcoming post I’m going to talk about this subject that I really hope it would be useful for many of you. Everybody have a relative or friend that is expecting and it could be interesting for them, so don’t forget to share with your friends in social media and subscribe to our newsletter and stay tuned.

Sending you a lot of kisses and so much love
Alba X Mylovelypeople

10 Replies to “What to expect, when you are expecting Part II”

  1. Dijo Hipócrates o al menos se le atribuye “que tu medicina sea tu alimento y q tu alimento sea tu medicina”. Come mal y vivirás mal.

    1. Buenisimos consejos ..cuidar tu salud con una buena alimentación y la del bebe durante el embarazo es importantísimo para un parto feliz..????????????

    2. Sin duda alguna, que sabio era Hipocrates. Sobre todo en estos tiempos donde prima el enriquecerse algunos aunque sea a traves de la desgracia de otros es cuando debemos ser mas conscientes de que comemos………

    1. Sin duda alguna, hay que tener conciencia y darnos cuneta de cuan importante es alimentarnos bien, una mala alimentacion es la base de todas las enfermedades.

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