Flower dress with a love story!!!!!!!!

Alba Marina blogger from My lovely people blog is sharing with all of you a love story from her homeland Cuba, wearing a maxi dress from Free People

Como mucho de vosotros sabéis, hay un día a la semana que me gusta traeros algo de historia, ya sea del lugar donde me he hecho las fotos o sencillamente algo de mi look que me ha hecho recordar alguna bonita historia….. Es precisamente lo que me ha pasado con este vestido que además de ser precioso, su color y estampado me recordaron a uno de los procesos de maduración del fruto del café y eso me hizo recordar una historia de amor maravillosa que me contaba mi padre en nuestras primeras lecciones de inglés. Para los que no me conocéis, soy nacida y criada en Cuba, una isla maravillosa del Caribe, que además de tener mucha historia tiene un encanto que a nadie deja indiferente.

Alba Marina blogger from My lovely people blog is sharing with all of you a love story from her homeland Cuba, wearing a maxi dress from Free People

La historia que os traigo hoy es un romance entre una esclava y un alemán enamorado de la isla que compró una plantación de café. Los restos de una vieja plantación de café llamada Angerona, situada en Artemisa, un municipio localizado en la parte sur de La Habana. Su dueño era un emigrante alemán originario de Bremen quien hizo su fortuna gracias al aromático grano del café a principios del siglo XIX. Cornelio Sausse, conocido como Sochay, nunca imaginó que la atracción por una negra con aroma a fragancia francesa lo llevaría a un inusual e inolvidable amor. Úrsula Lambert una respetable y elegante haitiana exiliada después de la rebelión de esclavos en ese país, lo motivó a permanecer en Cuba.

Alba Marina blogger from My lovely people blog is sharing with all of you a love story from her homeland Cuba, wearing a maxi dress from Free People Alba Marina blogger from My lovely people blog is sharing with all of you a love story from her homeland Cuba, wearing a maxi dress from Free People

Sus encuentros en las calles de La Habana hicieron su atracción más fuerte que los prejuicios y el racismo prevalecientes en aquella época. El momento de gloria de su amor fue en 1813 cuando Sochay compró una finca. Su amada Úrsula nombró aquel precioso lugar Angerona y se convirtió en un maravilloso imperio de café Haitiano-Alemán. Se dice que las 538 hectáreas que tenía la finca llegaban a producir hasta 150 000 libras –unos 68 200 Kg- del precioso grano, bajo la administración de la pareja donde alrededor de 450 esclavos disfrutaban de un  trato preferencial.

Alba Marina blogger from My lovely people blog is sharing with all of you a love story from her homeland Cuba, wearing a maxi dress from Free People

Sochay tenia una grandiosa casa que construyó en la cima de la colina donde tenía una imagen de la diosa latina Angerona situada en un pequeño pedestal para recibir a los visitantes. El cuidado de los cultivos bajo el mando de Sochay y el toque femenino de Úrsula aseguraban el crecimiento próspero del lugar, sin embargo, la muerte se presentó entre los amantes. En julio de 1837 el alemán que amaba el café tanto como la tierra cubana dejó para siempre a su roble de olor, como solía llamarla. Ella mantuvo el dolor de su pérdida durante los siguiente 23 años de su vida. Por aquel entonces la producción de  caña de azúcar comenzó a establecerse  y empezó a ganar un espacio en la naciente economía cubana, quitando al cafe su posición privilegiada.

Alba Marina blogger from My lovely people blog is sharing with all of you a love story from her homeland Cuba, wearing a maxi dress from Free People Alba Marina blogger from My lovely people blog is sharing with all of you a love story from her homeland Cuba, wearing a maxi dress from Free People

Es una historia triste pero a la vez hermosa  entre dos personas donde prevaleció el amor ante los prejuicios de la época. Espero que os haya gustado tanto como a mi, porque este tipo de  historias me transportan a aquellos  maravillosos años de Cuba.

Si os ha gustado no olvidéis compartir en vuestras redes sociales y suscribiros a nuestra newsletter y así seguir conectados.

Besos a puñados y gracias por estar siempre al otro lado de la pantalla.

Feliz martes

Alba Marina blogger from My lovely people blog is sharing with all of you a love story from her homeland Cuba, wearing a maxi dress from Free People

As many of you know, one day in a week I like to share with all of you some interesting article about history, sometimes about the place where my pics have been taken or maybe one of the item of my look reminds me a great story. That’s what happened with this lovely dress, its color and print reminds me one of the steps in the ripening process of the coffee bean and I just remembered a beautiful love story that my father used to tell us in our first English lesson. Many of you don’t know where I come from; I was born and raised in Cuba, a beautiful island in the Caribbean Sea that has a lot of history and a special charm that cannot leave anyone indifferent.

Alba Marina blogger from My lovely people blog is sharing with all of you a love story from her homeland Cuba, wearing a maxi dress from Free People Alba Marina blogger from My lovely people blog is sharing with all of you a love story from her homeland Cuba, wearing a maxi dress from Free People

Today I’m going to share with you a love story of a German and a female slave. The remains of an old coffee plantation named Angerona are placed in Artemisa, a municipe in the southern part of Havana, inserted in the scenery of the Cuban countryside. Its owner was a German emigrant originally from Bremen who made a fortune out of the aromatic grain, at the beginning of the 19th Century. Cornelio Sausse, known as Sochay, never imagined that the attraction by the dark skin, perfumed with French fragrances will take him to an unusual and unforgettable love. Ursula Lambert, a worthy and elegant Haitian exiled after the slave rebellion in her that country, motivated him to stay in Cuba.

Alba Marina blogger from My lovely people blog is sharing with all of you a love story from her homeland Cuba, wearing a maxi dress from Free People Alba Marina blogger from My lovely people blog is sharing with all of you a love story from her homeland Cuba, wearing a maxi dress from Free People

Their encounters in the street of Havana made their attraction stronger than the rigid morality and racism prevailing at that time. The top moment of that love was in 1813 when Sochay bought a farm. His beloved Ursula named the place Angerona and it became a marvelous Haitian-German coffee empire. It is said the 538 hectares farm produced up to 150 000 pounds –about of 68 200 Kg- of the precious grain, under the command of the couple, where around 450 slaves enjoyed of a preferential treatment.

Alba Marina blogger from My lovely people blog is sharing with all of you a love story from her homeland Cuba, wearing a maxi dress from Free People Alba Marina blogger from My lovely people blog is sharing with all of you a love story from her homeland Cuba, wearing a maxi dress from Free People

Sochay had a grandiose eclectic house built on the top of a hill where he had the Latin image of the goddess Angerona placed in a small pedestal to welcome visitors. The care of the crop under the perfect order of Sochay and the harmonies of the female touch of Ursula ensured the growing prosperity of the place. However, the death appeared between those lovers. On July 13th, 1837 the German who love coffee, as well as the Cuban land, left forever its perfumed oak as he used to call her. She kept the pain for her lost during the following twenty-three years of her life. At that time the sugar cane production began to establish as a monoculture and began to win space in the newly born Cuban economy, removing coffee from its privileged position.

Alba Marina blogger from My lovely people blog is sharing with all of you a love story from her homeland Cuba, wearing a maxi dress from Free People Alba Marina blogger from My lovely people blog is sharing with all of you a love story from her homeland Cuba, wearing a maxi dress from Free People

Although it’s a sad story, it’s a beautiful love story between two people who loves each other more than anything in the world raising such a love above all the prejudices at that time. I hope you liked it as I do, this kind of story take me back to those  wonderful years in Cuba.

If you like don’t forget to share with all your friend in social media and subscribe  to our newsletter and stay connected.

A lot of kisses and thank you so much for being there.

Happy Tuesday

Alba Marina blogger from My lovely people blog is sharing with all of you a love story from her homeland Cuba, wearing a maxi dress from Free People Alba Marina blogger from My lovely people blog is sharing with all of you a love story from her homeland Cuba, wearing a maxi dress from Free People

Outfit details:

Vestido/DressFree people, SIMILAR, HERE 

Plataformas/Wedges :  Steve Madden, SIMILAR, HERE 

Cesta/Straw Bag: ZARA HERE  

Collares cortos dorados/ Short golden necklaces: Swarovski, old

Collar Largo/ Long necklace : Revolve, HERE .

Pulsera / Bracelete: Siredesign.


10 Replies to “Flower dress with a love story!!!!!!!!”

  1. Bella historia la q cuentas..siempre tienes algo interesante q contarnos..q muchos no conocemos ..bello vestido y preciosas fotos …eres fabulosa…????????????

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