Faena Festival: This is not America….

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the diferents kind of activities to do in Miami during these days and how to dress for a Festival with a white mini dress paired with cowboy boots and a braided bag.

Siempre que puedo me gusta escribir sobre actividades culturales que se celebran en nuestra ciudad, cierto es que muchas de las personas que visitan mi blog no son de Miami , para esas que viven en esta ciudad os traigo una propuesta que tal vez pueda ser de interés para más de uno.

El pasado lunes dió comienzo en Miami Beach un festival que se estrena este año, se llama Faena Festival que coincidirá en su días finales con el inicio de otros eventos culturales en la zona artística de Wynwood, pero de este último ya os contaré más adelante. Como os decía anteriormente, este festival comenzó el pasado lunes y finalizará el próximo domingo, asi que aún teneis tiempo de disfrutar de un ambiente bohemio y muy variado, cerca de la playa, donde se encuentran las instalaciones del Hotel que da nombre al festival y a la vez deleitaros con obras de artistas de distintos sitios.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the diferents kind of activities to do in Miami during these days and how to dress for a Festival with a white mini dress paired with cowboy boots and a braided bag.

Este Festival lleva por logo “Esto no es América” haciendo mención a los Estados Unidos, o lo que es lo mismo, América es más que eso. Este festival está relacionado con el importante papel que ha tenido la ciudad de Miami como puerto que ha dado la bienvenida a emigrantes, refugiados y turistas a lo largo de los Estados Unidos, de toda América y otros países de todo el mundo. Se desarrolla con las múltiples comunidades y sus culturas y las muchísimas historias que han sido creadas en el continente Americano y que a su vez responden especialmente a Miami como su eje hemisférico. Todos los programas son gratis y están abiertos al público.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the diferents kind of activities to do in Miami during these days and how to dress for a Festival with a white mini dress paired with cowboy boots and a braided bag.

“Esto no es América” propone un nuevo formato de presentación que ocupa y desarrolla todo el Distrito de Faena y se extiende a otros espacios publicos de la ciudad de Miami Beach como una plataforma vivencial. Los diversos lugares del Distrito de Faena en Miami Beach han sido activadas incluyendo las áreas públicas de la calle, las aceras e incluso en la playa: el hotel Faena presta su teatro y sus salas de proyección para este evento, así como el Faena Forum justo frente al hotel. El festival de Faena de 2018 retoma el profético trabajo de 1987 de Alfredo Jaar, Un logo para América como punto de partida para la exploración de América como lugar, concepto y leyenda. Esta pieza se presenta en una pantalla gigante encima de un bote navegando por las orillas de la playa. El monumental trabajo, que tiene textos e imágenes, originalmente encargado por El fondo público de Arte para una pantalla gigante marcando el Corazón de Times Square en la ciudad de New York en 1987, mostrando el texto que decía “Esto no es América” a lo largo del mapa de los Estados Unidos, transformándolo en un esbozo de todo el hemisferio occidental desde una perspectiva diferente, incluyendo de Norte a Sur, retando la tradicional vista del norte como la parte superior del mapa. Para la presentación de Faena, el bote que, usualmente se pasea frente a la playa con publicidad de bares y clubes, viajará por toda la costa de Miami Beach cada día durante el festival, dando la posibilidad que este trabajo público lo pueda disfrutar toda la ciudad.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the diferents kind of activities to do in Miami during these days and how to dress for a Festival with a white mini dress paired with cowboy boots and a braided bag.

A decir verdad, cuando fui no tenía la menor idea de que nos esperaba, ya que no es un festival común, pero honestamente, nos gustó mucho por la variedad cultural que nos encontramos alli reconociendo que el objetivo de este festival, sin duda está siendo logrado. Aún os queda lo mejor, todo el fin de semana y la clausura del mismo el domingo en la noche. Os dejo el enlace para que le echéis un vistazo a las distintas actividades a ver que os parece y los horarios de las mismas, pero sin duda lo recomiendo,  cambiando así la rutina.

Faena Festival

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the diferents kind of activities to do in Miami during these days and how to dress for a Festival with a white mini dress paired with cowboy boots and a braided bag.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the diferents kind of activities to do in Miami during these days and how to dress for a Festival with a white mini dress paired with cowboy boots and a braided bag.

Hoy aprovechando esta oportunidad quería compartir algunas fotos que aun me quedan de Grecia pero os aseguro que por lo que vi en el festival, es un atuendo perfecto para compartir con familiares y amigos, tomarse unas copas y ademas disfrutar de estas tardes maravillosas y frescas que estamos teniendo por aca, paseando por la playa.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the diferents kind of activities to do in Miami during these days and how to dress for a Festival with a white mini dress paired with cowboy boots and a braided bag.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the diferents kind of activities to do in Miami during these days and how to dress for a Festival with a white mini dress paired with cowboy boots and a braided bag.

Espero os haya gustado y sobre todo aprovechéis el fin de semana y os déis un saltito hasta allí, por supuesto a los que viven en Miami.
No olvidéis compartidlo en vuestras redes sociales que es gratis y suscribiros a nuestra newsletter y así seguir en contacto.

Os mando miles de besos y mucho amor.
Alba X Mylovelypeople.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the diferents kind of activities to do in Miami during these days and how to dress for a Festival with a white mini dress paired with cowboy boots and a braided bag.

Every time that I visited a new place here in Miami or maybe hear about something different to do during weekend I like to share this information with you all, I already know that not all the people that visit this blog are from Miami, but many of them, truly are, so for those who lives in this city, today I would like to share it and maybe it’ll be interesting for many of you. Last Monday opened their doors The Faena Hotel, located in Miami Beach area, proposing its first festival. It will expand a whole week, coinciding in terms of time with other kind of cultural activities around Wynwood District Area, but today I will talk just about Faena Festival.

“Faena Festival: This is not America’, the real name of the festival, is keyed to Miami’s enduring role as a port that welcomes migrants, refugees, and tourists from across the US and the Americas, and from different countries throughout the world. The festival engages with the multiplicity of communities and cultures and the palimpsest of histories that have created the Americas while responding specifically to Miami as its hemispheric hub. All programming is free and open to the public.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the diferents kind of activities to do in Miami during these days and how to dress for a Festival with a white mini dress paired with cowboy boots and a braided bag.

This is not America proposes a new curatorial format for presentation that occupies and engages the entire Faena District and extends beyond into public spaces of the city of Miami Beach as an experiential platform. The diverse venues of the Faena District Miami Beach will be activated, including the public areas of the street, sidewalk and beach: the Faena Hotel, including its theater and screening room, and Faena Forum that is located in front on the Hotel. The 2018 Faena Festival takes Alfredo Jaar’s prescient 1987 work A logo for America, as a point of departure for the exploration of America as a place, concept and myth. The piece will be presented on a LED jumbotron mounted on a boat navigating the Miami Beach shoreline.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the diferents kind of activities to do in Miami during these days and how to dress for a Festival with a white mini dress paired with cowboy boots and a braided bag.

The monumental, text and image-based animated work, originally commissioned by The Public Art Fund for the giant electronic billboard marking the heart of New York’s Times Square, features the text “This is not America” emblazoned across an outline of the entire western hemisphere from variety of perspectives, including from South to North, challenging the traditional view of the North at the top of the map. For the Faena presentation, the boat which generally interrupts beach days with advertisements for bars and clubs, will travel coastline of Miami Beach each day throughout the Festival so that the public work may be experienced by the entire city.
I have to admit that even when we didn’t know what was expecting us ‘cause it’s not a common Festival, but honestly it was an amazing experience. We really enjoy the diversity people that we found there, people that came from many places throughout the world. I’ll give you below the link of the website in order to take a look so you can see all the activities and the schedule of it, I highly recommend this Festival if you want to do something different this coming weekend.

Faena Festival

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the diferents kind of activities to do in Miami during these days and how to dress for a Festival with a white mini dress paired with cowboy boots and a braided bag.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the diferents kind of activities to do in Miami during these days and how to dress for a Festival with a white mini dress paired with cowboy boots and a braided bag.

Today’s post I would like to share with you all some photos from our last trip to Greece, but if you ask me which is the dress code of this Festival, I’ll tell you that this outfit I’m showing you is perfect for this kind of event, casual-chic and of course very comfortable to spend a great time with family and friends, enjoying this cool nights that we are having here in Miami. So, enjoy

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the diferents kind of activities to do in Miami during these days and how to dress for a Festival with a white mini dress paired with cowboy boots and a braided bag.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the diferents kind of activities to do in Miami during these days and how to dress for a Festival with a white mini dress paired with cowboy boots and a braided bag.

If you like this post, don’t forget to share in your social media, remember it’s for free and subscribe to ours newsletter to stay tuned.

Sending you a lot of kisses and so much love
Alba X Mylovelypeople

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the diferents kind of activities to do in Miami during these days and how to dress for a Festival with a white mini dress paired with cowboy boots and a braided bag.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the diferents kind of activities to do in Miami during these days and how to dress for a Festival with a white mini dress paired with cowboy boots and a braided bag.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the diferents kind of activities to do in Miami during these days and how to dress for a Festival with a white mini dress paired with cowboy boots and a braided bag.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the diferents kind of activities to do in Miami during these days and how to dress for a Festival with a white mini dress paired with cowboy boots and a braided bag.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the diferents kind of activities to do in Miami during these days and how to dress for a Festival with a white mini dress paired with cowboy boots and a braided bag.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the diferents kind of activities to do in Miami during these days and how to dress for a Festival with a white mini dress paired with cowboy boots and a braided bag.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the diferents kind of activities to do in Miami during these days and how to dress for a Festival with a white mini dress paired with cowboy boots and a braided bag.

I’m wearing
Vestido/Dress: Free People, HERE
Botas de cowboy/Cowboy boots : Cavender’s, HERE
Bolso /Braided Bag: Mango, HERE

10 Replies to “Faena Festival: This is not America….”

    1. Pues ya sabes guapa que hay muchisimas opciones para hacer aqui, siempre hay algun festival o fiesta en el ambiente. Ojala y puedas vsitarnos muy pronto. Muchos besos

    1. No te imaginas lo chulo que es, lleno de gente muy interesante y mucho lujo. Me alegro tanto saber que os gusta. Mil gracias por tus comentarios guapisima. Besos

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