Santorini, the precious gem of the Aegean……

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a set of high waist and wide legs pants and a crop top and still being comfortable, paired with braided shoes and bag.

Comenzamos semana con estas fotos que me gustaría compartir con vosotros de nuestro reciente viaje a Grecia.
Tengo muchas fotos que enseñaros, pero será poco a poco. Estas de hoy vienen acompañadas de unas de las maravillosas leyéndas y mitos de Grecia, que como ya os conté la semana pasada, me apasionan. Estas que os enseño hoy son de la paradisíaca isla de Santorini, ya hablaré en otro post de esta joya del Mar Egeo…

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a set of high waist and wide legs pants and a crop top and still being comfortable, paired with braided shoes and bag.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a set of high waist and wide legs pants and a crop top and still being comfortable, paired with braided shoes and bag.

En esta occasión me gustaría compartir con vosotros esta maravillosa historia que tal vez para muchos se os hará familiar y tal vez para otros no……

El mito de Ariadna y Teseo……

Ariadna era la hija del Rey Minos de Creta y su esposa Pasiphae en la mitología griega. Por parte de su madre, Ariadna era la nieta del Dios del Sol Helios y es más conocida por su importante rol en la leyenda de Teseo y el Minotauro.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a set of high waist and wide legs pants and a crop top and still being comfortable, paired with braided shoes and bag.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a set of high waist and wide legs pants and a crop top and still being comfortable, paired with braided shoes and bag.

Cuenta la leyenda, que el hijo del rey Minos murió durante unos juegos que se celebraban en Atenas y en venganza por la muerte de su hijo, el rey Minos atacó la ciudad de Atenas ganando la batalla y posterior a su victoria impone a la ciudad un castigo  por el cual siete mujeres y siete hombres jóvenes fueran enviados a la isla de Creta cada año para ser sacrificados en el laberinto que se encontraba en el interior del palacio de Minos donde habitaba el Minotauro.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a set of high waist and wide legs pants and a crop top and still being comfortable, paired with braided shoes and bag.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a set of high waist and wide legs pants and a crop top and still being comfortable, paired with braided shoes and bag.

Un año, cuando los 14 jóvenes estaban a punto de ser enviados a Creta, Teseo el hijo del rey Egeo de Atenas, se ofreció voluntario para ir a la isla de Creta y matar al Minotauro y de esta manera dar fin al sacrificio de una vez por todas. Cuando llegaron a Creta, Ariadna se enamoró de Teseo y decidió ayudarlo en su encomienda. Ella le dio una espada para pelear con el Minotaurio y una bola de hilo, aconsejándole amarrar una punta en la entrada del laberinto y dejar que el ovillo de hilo se desenredara mientras el se adentraba en la profundidad del laberinto.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a set of high waist and wide legs pants and a crop top and still being comfortable, paired with braided shoes and bag.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a set of high waist and wide legs pants and a crop top and still being comfortable, paired with braided shoes and bag.

Cuando Teseo encuentra al Minotauro lo mata comenzando así su camino de vuelta siguiendo el hilo hasta la entrada donde lo esperaba Ariadna. Ella decide fugarse con Teseo y acompañarlo a Atenas. Hay muchas versiones del final de esta historia, una de ellas es que cuando el barco zarpó en la Isla de Naxos, de camino a Atenas, Teseo abandonó a Ariadna en esta isla donde la vió el Dios del vino Dionisio y se casó con ella. Otra versión dice que Dionisio obligó a Teseo a abandonar a Ariadna en la isla………Hasta aquí la historia.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a set of high waist and wide legs pants and a crop top and still being comfortable, paired with braided shoes and bag.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a set of high waist and wide legs pants and a crop top and still being comfortable, paired with braided shoes and bag.

En esta ocasión siguiendo fiel a mi pasión por los conjuntos, opté por éste, que me enamoró cuando lo vi en la página web de Free People por el modelo del pantalón, de tiro alto con las patas anchas y no se que os parece a vosotros, pero a mi me gusto muchísimo porque le veo infinitas posibilidades de combinarlo con otras piezas que no sean con el crop top que trae el conjunto. Os tengo que confesar que me quede tan satisfecha con esta compra que me hice con el en otro color y además super rebajado. Para caminar por la isla opté por estos zapatos trenzados de Zara que ya me habéis visto en mi anterior viaje a México y mi bolso de Mango. Algunas de las fotos las hicimos muy temprano cuando apenas se sentía el sol, y otras me veréis con el sombrero porque, creedme, el sol pega muy fuerte aqui…….
Espero que os haya gustado tanto la historia como el look y decidme que os parece.
Si os ha gustado no olvideis compartirlo en vuestras redes sociales y suscribiros a nuestra newsletter y asi seguir conectados.

Muchos besos y mucho amor
Feliz comienzo de semana.

Alba X Mylovelypeople


Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a set of high waist and wide legs pants and a crop top and still being comfortable, paired with braided shoes and bag.

I would like to start this week with this amazing pictures we took in our recently trip to Greece. Today’s pics are joined with one of the myth and legends of Ancient Greek that you already know that I love it. These photos were taken on Santorini Island but I will talk about this gem of the Aegean Sea in a coming post……….

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a set of high waist and wide legs pants and a crop top and still being comfortable, paired with braided shoes and bag.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a set of high waist and wide legs pants and a crop top and still being comfortable, paired with braided shoes and bag.

For this occasion I would like to share with all of you this amazing myth that maybe for many of you it sound familiar for others don’t………..

The myth of Theseus and Ariadne

Ariadne was the daughter of King Minos of Crete and his wife Pasiphae, in Greek Mythology. By her mother, she was the granddaughter of the sun god Helios. She is best known for her pivotal role in the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a set of high waist and wide legs pants and a crop top and still being comfortable, paired with braided shoes and bag.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a set of high waist and wide legs pants and a crop top and still being comfortable, paired with braided shoes and bag.

According to the myth, Mino’s son died during some games that were organized in Athens. In retaliation for his loss, the king of Crete attacked Athens and won. He then imposed a heavy burden on the city; he demanded that seven young men and seven young women be sent to Crete every year in order to be sent for sacrifice into the Labyrinth underneath Mino’s palace, where the Minotaur dwelt.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a set of high waist and wide legs pants and a crop top and still being comfortable, paired with braided shoes and bag.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a set of high waist and wide legs pants and a crop top and still being comfortable, paired with braided shoes and bag.

One year, when the fourteen young people of Athens were about to be sent to Crete, Theseus, son of King Aegeus of Athens volunteered to be sent in order to kill the Minotaur and end the sacrifices for good. When they arrived to Crete, Ariadne fell in love with him and decided to help him in his quest. She gave him a sword to fight the Minotaur, as well as a ball of thread, she advised him to tie one end near the entrance of the labyrinth and left the thread unroll as he goes deeper into the twisting and branching paths. When Theseus found the Minotaur, he managed to slay him, and then followed the thread back to the entrance, where Ariadne was waiting. She then eloped with him on his way back to Athens.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a set of high waist and wide legs pants and a crop top and still being comfortable, paired with braided shoes and bag.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a set of high waist and wide legs pants and a crop top and still being comfortable, paired with braided shoes and bag.
According to some versions of the story, when the ship of Theseus stopped at the island of Naxos on the way back home, he abandoned Ariadne there. She was seen by the god of wine Dionysus who  marry. Other versions say that Dionysus demanded from Theseus to leave Ariadne on the island………

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a set of high waist and wide legs pants and a crop top and still being comfortable, paired with braided shoes and bag.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a set of high waist and wide legs pants and a crop top and still being comfortable, paired with braided shoes and bag.

For this occasion leading by mi passion of sets, I chose this one that I fell in love when I saw it on Free People’s website, not only for its color but its fabric and its design, a high waist pant with these wide legs are very comfortable to walking around the city. I don’t know what do you think about it, but I think it’s a versatile item because you can wear it with so many tops and blouses. I have to confess that I liked so much that I bought the same set but in other color, so obsess……… In order to walk around the island I paired it with these braided shoes from Zara that you already seen them before in our last trip to Mexico and my braided bag from Mango. Some of the photos were taken very early in the morning that’s why I not wearing hat in all of them…….

Hope you like it not only the outfit, but the story too.
If so, don’t forget to share it in your social media and subscribe to our newsletter to stay tuned.

Sending you a lot of kisses and so much love

Alba X Mylovelypeople

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a set of high waist and wide legs pants and a crop top and still being comfortable, paired with braided shoes and bag.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a set of high waist and wide legs pants and a crop top and still being comfortable, paired with braided shoes and bag.

I’m wearing
Zapatos/ Braided shoes : ZARA, HERE
Bolso /Bag: Mango, HERE
Gafas/Sunnies: Ray Ban

6 Replies to “Santorini, the precious gem of the Aegean……”

  1. Bella historia q nos has contado..siempre tienes una con la q nos sorprendes…Grecia es un pais espectacular….y tiene muchisimos encantos.
    Del look me encata el conjunto..y como siempre con un estilo único ????????????

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