5 min of summer……

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a high waist flare pants with an spadrilles wedges paired with a scarf as a top tied in the back

Apolo, el dios del sol y la poesia, se encontro con Eros, hoy en dia conocido como Cupido, lidiando con su arco y flechas. Eros estaba lanzando sus flechas a las personas para que se enamoraran. Apollo recien habia matado

a Piton, un horrible dragon en la tierra que vivia en la ciudad de Delfos, volviendose muy arrogante a raiz de esta victoria, le dijo a Eros de manera abrupta que dejara la guerra con armas para poderosos dioses como el y que se atuviera a su propio pasatiempo, menospreciando asi su trabajo de enviar amor y pasion hacia otros. 

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a high waist flare pants with an spadrilles wedges paired with a scarf as a top tied in the back

Esto enfurecio tanto al obstinado Eros que decidio vengarse del dios, y asi subio a una roca del Monte Parnaso y libero dos flechas: una con punta de oro muy afilada y la otra con una contundente punta de plomo. La flecha de punta de oro perforo el corazon de Apolo provocando un inmenso amor por Dafne, una preciosa ninfa, hija del dios del rio Peneus, mientras que la flecha de plomo fue lanzada a la ninfa creando una intensa aversion por el amor en su corazon. Dafne rechazaba constantemente el amor del glorioso Apolo, sin importarle sus suplicas y alegatos. Ella rechazaba a todo hombre que se acercara para enamorarla.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a high waist flare pants with an spadrilles wedges paired with a scarf as a top tied in the back

Apolo la seguia de manera persistente y la pobre chica para tratar de escapar de el y asi proteger su virginidad, le pidio ayuda a su padre Peneus, y oyendo este sus suplicas la transformo en un precioso arbol que desprendia un aroma exquisito. Este arbol es el laurel, el que es llamado Dafne en Grecia por el nombre de la ninfa. Apolo tenia el corazon roto por la perdida de Dafne y para recordarla eternamente, convirtio el laurel en simbolo de tributo a los poetas. El laurel paso a ser el simbolo del dioses.
La pitonisa, en el oraculo de Delfos, masticaba hojas de laurel para comunicarse con el dios Apolo y asi dar las profecias a las personas . (recordar la historia de la Pitonisa aqui)

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Alba X Mylovelypeople

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a high waist flare pants with an spadrilles wedges paired with a scarf as a top tied in the back

Apollo, the god of light and poetry, found Eros, who is nowadays known as Cupid, dealing with his bows and arrows. Eros was using bows to struck people into love. Apollo had just won Python, a horrible earth-dragon that was living in the area of  Delphi,  and had got so arrogant from his victory that he abruptly told Eros to leave war-like weapons to mighty gods like him and stick to his own pastimes, devaluing his duty to inflate love and passion to others. 

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a high waist flare pants with an spadrilles wedges paired with a scarf as a top tied in the back

This infuriated the headstrong Eros who decided to take his revenge on the audacious Apollo. Eros climbed on a rock of Mt Parnassus and unleashed two arrows: one sharp and gold-tipped and another blunt and lead-tipped. The sharp, gold-tipped arrow pierced the heart of Apollo inflaming his love for Daphne, a beautiful nymph, daughter of the river god Peneus, while the blunt, lead-tipped arrow struck the nymph creating an intense aversion for love in the her heart. She was constantly rejecting the love of the glorious Apollo, despite his repeated pleadings and cajoleries. She similarly detested all the other men who were trying to get her.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a high waist flare pants with an spadrilles wedges paired with a scarf as a top tied in the back

In the meanwhile, Apollo was persistently pursuing Daphne. The poor girl, in order to escape from him and to protect his virginity, pleaded for help from her father, Peneus who drew back to Daphne’s prayers and transformed the nymph into a nice short plant with excellent smell. This plant was the laurel, which is called “daphne” is Greek, after the nymph’s name. Apollo was heart-broken at the loss of Daphne and to remember her for ever, he made the laurel the symbol of tribute to poets. The laurel became therefore the symbol of the god.
 Note that Pythia, the priestess in the oracle of Delphi, was chewing leaves of laurel to communicate with Apollo and give her prophesies to people.

(Remember Pitonisa’s post here)

Hope you like it
Sending you a lot of kisses and so much love

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Happy Wednesday

Alba X Mylovelypeople

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a high waist flare pants with an spadrilles wedges paired with a scarf as a top tied in the back
Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to style a high waist flare pants with an spadrilles wedges paired with a scarf as a top tied in the back

I’m wearing

Pantalon /Jeans : Free People HERE
Top/ Scarf: Parfois, SIMILAR, HERE
Espadrilles / Espadrilles Wedges: Castañer HERE
Sombrero/Hat: Free People, SIMILAR HERE

4 Replies to “5 min of summer……”

  1. Bella historia ,como todas las q has publicado ….hermoso lugar que quisiera conocer ..para enamorarse definitivamente de el…gracias mi guapísima niña????????????

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