How to dress a toddler for cold temperatures…..

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to dress a toddler for cold temperatures.

En menos de tres meses, hemos hecho dos viajes a dos cuidades fascinantes, Detroit a principos de diciembre y Washington por navidad.  Aun cuando os he comentado antes, me gusta el frio, tengo que admitir que en estas dos cuidades nos ha pillado temperaturas bastante bajas, comparado a lo que estamos acostumbrados en Miami o incluso en Madrid, que en invierno es cierto que bajan mucho las temparaturas, pero nunca como en estas dos cuidades.

Hoy quisiera compartir con vosotros estas fotos de nuestro pequeño, que a pesar que no esta acostumbrado a estas temperaturas, os tengo que reconocer que es un niño especial en ese aspecto, pues no se queja, disfruta como lo que es ( un niño ), y exprime al maximo cada experiencia…….. y a nosotros Tambien por supuesto………..Para este tipo de viajes, como es tan pequeño aun  tengo siempe temor a que pueda pasar frio, me hago con prendas calidas, que sean comodas, no le pesen, por ejemplo, tejidos como el corduroy, la pana, cashemire etc y siempre confio en mi marca estrella por excelencia “ZARA”, ya os he comentado antes que sobre todo en la coleccion de los peque, me gusta muchisimo por el estilo que los caracteriza y porque tiene unos precios geniales. 

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to dress a toddler for cold temperatures.
Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to dress a toddler for cold temperatures.

Outfit details:

Abrigo / Coat : Zara, Sold out, SIMILAR HERE
Jersey/Sweater : Zara, SIMILAR HERE
Camisa / Shirt: Zara, Sold out, SIMILAR HERE
Pantalon /Corduroy Pants: Zara, HERE 

Botas/ Boots: Ugg, Sold out, SIMILAR, HERE

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to dress a toddler for cold temperatures.

During the last three months, we have been traveling more than we are used to. We have recently visited two wonderful  cities, Detroit at the beginning of December and Washington for Christmas. Although I have told you before that I love winter, I have to admit that these cities have very low temperatures in comparison with Miami or even with Madrid where in winter temperatures drop a lot but never as in those cities. Today I would like to share with all of you guys some of our baby’s outfits during our winter holidays although he is not used to these cold temperatures, it’s unbelievable how the kids are capable to adapt themselves so well to any situation. I have to admit that he is a very special boy, he doesn’t complain about nothing, on the contrary, he enjoy so much every trip we make.For me he is still a baby, so I’m always afraid of that he feels too cold during those trips. I always tried to buy cozy and warms items but comfortable at the same time with fabrics as corduroy, cashemire, etc so as many of you already know I always  get his clothes on “ZARA”, not only for its designs but also for its quality and prices.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to dress a toddler for cold temperatures.
Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to dress a toddler for cold temperatures.

Outfit details:

Abrigo / Coat : Zara, Sold out, SIMILAR HERE
Jersey/Sweater : Zara, HERE
Pantalon / Pants: Zara,,SIMILAR HERE 

Botas/ Boots: Ugg, SIMILAR, HERE

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to dress a toddler for cold temperatures.
Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to dress a toddler for cold temperatures.
Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to dress a toddler for cold temperatures.

Look 1 :

Jersey/Sweater : Zara, SIMILAR HERE
Pantalon / Pants: Zara,SIMILAR HERE  

Botas/ Boots: Ugg, SIMILAR, HERE

Look 2:

Jersey/Sweater : Zara, SIMILAR HERE
Pantalon / Pants: Zara,SIMILAR HERE  

Botas/ Boots: Levi’s, SIMILAR, HERE

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to dress a toddler for cold temperatures.
Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to dress a toddler for cold temperatures.

Outfit details:

Jersey/Sweater : Zara, HERE
Pantalon / Pants: Zara, HERE 

Botas/ Boots: Ugg, SIMILAR, HERE

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to dress a toddler for cold temperatures.
Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to dress a toddler for cold temperatures.
Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to dress a toddler for cold temperatures.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you how to dress a toddler for cold temperatures.

Outfit details:

Jersey/Sweater : Zara, SIMILAR, HERE
Pantalon / Pants: Zara, HERE 

6 Replies to “How to dress a toddler for cold temperatures…..”

    1. Honestamete las fotos no tienen toda la calidad que me gustaria, pero siempre me gusta compartir cosas de el tambien, ya que es un pilar importante de este blog.

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