Happy Valentine’s Day

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you what means San Valentine for her and how special is her family

No tenia nada preparado para un dia como hoy y  no queria pasarlo por alto, pues es un dia muy especial

para muchos. Para mi os tengo que reconocer que es un dia como otro cualquiera, porque pienso que no necesitamos una fecha definida en el calendario para dar amor a las personas que queremos y son especiales para uno o incluso a traves de un regalo demostrarle cuanto le amas o cuanto significa para ti. Por otra parte, hemos incorporado el concepto de que es el dia de los enamorados, y ciertamente lo es, pero no solamente el amor de pareja, sino Tambien el que se siente por un hijo, por los padres, amigos etc.
Cada relacion interpersonal debe implicar dar y recibir y no me refiero a cosas materiales, por el contario, los sentimientos de amor, los regalos de cuidados, atencion, afecto, aprecio, por ejemplo, son mucho mas poderosos que los materiales y no cuestan nada.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you what means San Valentine for her and how special is her family

 Uno de los mayores regalos que me ha dado la vida, han sido mi querido hijo y como ya os he contado antes, el mejor regalo que puedo darle es dedicarle cada minuto de mi tiempo. Me ha enseñado lo que es amar de manera pura y sin condiciones.
Ser madre significa que tu Corazon ya no es tuyo, sino que va alli donde quiera que tus hijos esten….

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you what means San Valentine for her and how special is her family

Mi pareja, mi motor impulsor, la mano amiga que siempre esta disponible para cuando mas lo necesito, gracias mi amor, por lo que me das dia a dia…………. Contigo quiero pasar dias frios, llenos de besos y abrazos infinitos…..

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you what means San Valentine for her and how special is her family

Mi madre, mi amiga incondicional, la palabra “Gracias” no es suficiente para agradecer todo el amor, el sacrificio y el esfuerzo que siempre has dado por mi…………..

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you what means San Valentine for her and how special is her family

Mi padre, que como os he dicho otras veces esta detras de cada post, apoyandome y enseñandome dia tras dia, porque nunca dejamos de aprender de nuestro padres……. 

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you what means San Valentine for her and how special is her family

y por ultimo pero no por eso menos importante
Mi hermano, con el cual en los ultimos meses nos ha unido ademas de nuestro amor como hermanos, una complicidad y confianza que no sabia que teniamos……..

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you what means San Valentine for her and how special is her family

Gracias, gracias por ser mi San Valentin
Ama sin medida, sin limite, sin complejos, sin permiso, sin coraje, sin duda, sin precio, sin nada, no tengas miedo, Solo ama…………..

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you what means San Valentine for her and how special is her family

I didn’t have nothing special prepared for San Valentine’s day but I can’t ignore the fact that it is a very special day for many people. From my point of view I have to admit that is a normal day because I am one of those people that think that you don’t need to bookmark a day in your calendar in order to prove someone through a present how you love him/her. On the other hand we had been incorporated the conception that you only have to give something, no matter what to your couple and that’s fine but this is not a day only for couple but love for your children, parents, friends etc……Every relationship is a dynamic exchange…..giving and receiving, and trust me, I’m not talking about material stuffs, on the contrary, feeling of love, taking care of others, affect feelings are more powerful than material gifts, and those one, are for free.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you what means San Valentine for her and how special is her family

The best gift I’ve received in my whole life is the gift of maternity, dedicate my entire day to my baby is a bless that many parents don’t have. He taught me how to love unconditionally……..
Just when you think you know love, something little comes along to remind you how big it really is………

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you what means San Valentine for her and how special is her family

My mate soul, my friend, my love, the shoulder who is always there for me with no conditions. Thank you my dear love for everything  you give me day after day. I would like to spend cold days with you by my side, full of kisses and big hugs…..

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you what means San Valentine for her and how special is her family

On the other hand my mother, my unconditional friend. Mom you’ve made a difference in my life. There are no words to express the way I feel about you, but I hope you always know how much I respect you, I thank you and I love you……

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you what means San Valentine for her and how special is her family

My father, as I told you before he is behind every post I’ve published, supporting me and teaching me day after day because we’ve never stop learning from our parents..

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you what means San Valentine for her and how special is her family

And last but not least…
My brother, a very special person in my life not only  for the loving ties that join us but also because we have create during these last months a complicity and trust we didn’t know we had……….

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you what means San Valentine for her and how special is her family

Thank you so much for being My Valentin…….
Love without measure, without limit, without obsession, without permission, without rage, without counsel, without doubt, without price, without cure, without nothing. Don’t be afraid… Just Love

10 Replies to “Happy Valentine’s Day”

  1. Lo que has escrito en este pos es verdaderamente hermoso ..porque lo sientes desde tu lindo corazón. ..Sobre todas las cosas creo en el amor.El amor es como el oxigeno,EL AMOR ES UNA COSA ESPLENDOROSA .todo lo que necesitamos es Amor…Gracias a ti por haberme escogido. .gracias por la familia que has creado..por la que tengo…gracias gracias gracias….te amo con todo mi corazón ????????????

    1. Gracias miles, es una gran satisfaccion que te haya gustado porque lo hice con todo mi corazpon y porque realmente siento cada una de las palabras que escribi en este post tan especial. Te mando un beso enorme cargado de amor. Feliz dia de San Valentin…..

  2. It is hard to find your twin soul, but when it happen, keep her as close as possible, and surrendering to her in body and soul, that is what happened to me, give thanks every single day because you’re everything to me, love you in all possible things.

    1. Yes it is, but lucky me I found it and I’m so glad of it that even when it’s almost 14 years together I love you like or more than the first day……

  3. Muy lindo lo que escribiste, les deseo lo mejor desde el fondo de mi corazón, increíble la niña hermosa del vecindario, no solo sigues siendo hermosa,sino que verte ser mama es espectacular, saludos a todos.

    1. Muchisimas gracias Corazon, que alegria saber de ti. Muchos besos para ustedes Tambien… Tus nenes Deben estar enormes y guapos. Un beso grande de Corazon…….

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