The National Mall, Washington D.C….

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you all her favorites monuments of The National Mall, Washington D.C, during her last trip to that amazing city

El National Mall es un parque al aire libre, localizado en la capital de los Estados Unidos, Washington, que comienza en el Capitolio y se extiende hasta el Memorial al presidente Lincoln.

Es un paseo maravilloso de 2 millas (poco más de 3 kilómetros) que incluye numerosos museos de la institución Smithsonian de admisión gratis, galerías de arte y otros espacios culturales; a todo esto se le suman, innumerables memoriales, esculturas y estatuas.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you all her favorites monuments of The National Mall, Washington D.C, during her last trip to that amazing city
Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you all her favorites monuments of The National Mall, Washington D.C, during her last trip to that amazing city

Este maravilloso lugar es uno de los parques más visitados en los Estados Unidos, donde pasado, presente y futuro se juntan. Los monumentos y memoriales que forman parte de este parque son en honor a los padres fundadores y héroes americanos que se sacrificaron en servicio del país. 

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you all her favorites monuments of The National Mall, Washington D.C, during her last trip to that amazing city
Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you all her favorites monuments of The National Mall, Washington D.C, during her last trip to that amazing city

Este lugar tiene para ver por más de un día, os dejo algunos de mis preferidos a lo largo de este paseo….

Monumento a Washington

Este monumento tiene forma de obelisco y fue construído en honor a George Washington, el primer presidente de los Estados Unidos. Su construcción comenzó en 1848 pero por una serie de sucesos ésta se vió interrumpida desde 1854 a 1877. 

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you all her favorites monuments of The National Mall, Washington D.C, during her last trip to that amazing city
Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you all her favorites monuments of The National Mall, Washington D.C, during her last trip to that amazing city

Monumento Nacional a la II Guerra mundial

Este monumento que honra el espíritu y sacrificio de 16 millones de hombres y mujeres que sirvieron en el extranjero y a los más de 400 000 que perdieron la vida durante las batallas y otras misiones. Este memorial se construyó en honor a los héroes de la Gran Generación. Cada año más de 300 vuelos de honor traen a veteranos de la II Guerra Mundial y también a aquellos que sirvieron en las guerras de Korea y Vietnam a los memoriales de sus respectivos servicios.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you all her favorites monuments of The National Mall, Washington D.C, during her last trip to that amazing city
Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you all her favorites monuments of The National Mall, Washington D.C, during her last trip to that amazing city

Memorial de los veteranos de la Guerra de Korea

Este memorial se dedicó en 1995 a estos héroes, conmemorando el 42 aniversario de la armisticio que puso fin al conflicto. Este monumento consiste en 19 estatuas de soldados representando un escuadrón patrullando. Estas 19 figuras crean una reflexión en el mural, simbolizando la frontera entre el norte y el sur de Korea: el paralelo 38. A un lado de este memorial se encuentra un mural con más de 2400 fotografías de mujeres y hombres que sirvieron en Korea.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you all her favorites monuments of The National Mall, Washington D.C, during her last trip to that amazing city
Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you all her favorites monuments of The National Mall, Washington D.C, during her last trip to that amazing city

El memorial Lincoln

Este memorial, el eterno favorito de los turistas se encuentra al Oeste y es el fin del National Mall. Su arquitectura pertenece al estilo neoclásico y es un homenaje al 16to presidente de los Estados Unidos. La estatua de 19 pies de altura de Abraham Lincoln sentado mirando al estanque que refleja la luz y en lontananza al monumento a Washington, desde su asiento permanente en el patio delantero de América. Dedicado en 1922, este memorial ha sido el hogar de muchos momentos definitorios en la historia de los Estados Unidos. Martin Luther King Jr dió su discurso de “Tengo un sueño” en los escalones de éste memorial frente a 250 000 personas.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you all her favorites monuments of The National Mall, Washington D.C, during her last trip to that amazing city
Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you all her favorites monuments of The National Mall, Washington D.C, during her last trip to that amazing city

Sin lugar a dudas ésta es una ciudad que bien merece la pena visitar. Para nosotros se hizo muy corto el viaje, hay tantos sitios que ver, que tengo que reconocer que se nos quedaron muchas cosas por visitar. Un motivo más para volver…….

Espero os haya gustado esta guía para si algún día pensais en visitar esta maravillosa ciudad.

Si os ha gustado compartíd con vuestros amigos en redes sociales y suscribiros a nuestra newsletter.

Os envío muchos besos y mucho amor

Alba X Mylovelypeople

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you all her favorites monuments of The National Mall, Washington D.C, during her last trip to that amazing city

The National Mall is a landscaped park located near the downtown area of Washington D.C, the capital city of the United States, stretching over 2 miles (about 3 kilometers) from the Lincoln Memorial on the west end to the U.S Capitol on the east end. The National Mal contains and borders a number of museums of the Smithsonian Institution (free admission), art galleries, cultural institutions and various memorials, sculptures and statues.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you all her favorites monuments of The National Mall, Washington D.C, during her last trip to that amazing city
Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you all her favorites monuments of The National Mall, Washington D.C, during her last trip to that amazing city

This wonderful place is the America’s most visited national park, where the past, present and future come together. The monuments and memorial in this park honor American forefathers and heroes who paid the ultimate sacrifice in service to this country.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you all her favorites monuments of The National Mall, Washington D.C, during her last trip to that amazing city
Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you all her favorites monuments of The National Mall, Washington D.C, during her last trip to that amazing city

You need more than a day in order to visit this lovely park, scroll down to see my favorite ones…

Washington Memorial

This monumental obelisk was built to honor George Washington, America’s first president and the construction began in 1848, but a lack of funds, political squabbling and the civil war interrupted the work from 1854 to 1877.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you all her favorites monuments of The National Mall, Washington D.C, during her last trip to that amazing city
Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you all her favorites monuments of The National Mall, Washington D.C, during her last trip to that amazing city

National World War II Memorial

The National World War II Memorial, which honors the spirit and sacrifice of the 16 million men and women who served overseas and the more than 400,000 that perished during battles and other misions. The memorial was built to celebrate the heroes of the Greatest Generation. Each year, more than 300 Honor Flights bring World War II veterans, as well as those who served in the Korean and Vietnam wars, to the memorials dedicated to their service.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you all her favorites monuments of The National Mall, Washington D.C, during her last trip to that amazing city
Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you all her favorites monuments of The National Mall, Washington D.C, during her last trip to that amazing city

Korean War Veterans Memorial

The Korean War Veterans Memorial was dedicated in 1995, on the 42nd anniversary of the armistice that ended the conflict. The memorial consists of 19 statues of soldiers representing a squad on patrol, drawn from each branch of the Armed Forces. The 19 figures create a reflection on the wall, symbolizing the border between North and South Korea: the 38th parallel. Alongside the soldiers stands the Mural Wall with more than 2,400 photographs of men and women who served in Korea.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you all her favorites monuments of The National Mall, Washington D.C, during her last trip to that amazing city
Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you all her favorites monuments of The National Mall, Washington D.C, during her last trip to that amazing city

Lincoln Memorial

A perennial visitor favorite, the Lincoln Memorial stands at the west end of the National Mall as a neoclassical monument to America’s 16th president. A 19 foot statue of Abraham Lincoln sits overlooking the Reflecting Pool ant the Washington Monument from his permanent seat on America’s front yard. Dedicated in 1922, the Lincoln Memorial has been home to many defining moments in American history. Martin Luther King, Jr delivered his ” I have a dream” speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in front of 250,000 attendees.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you all her favorites monuments of The National Mall, Washington D.C, during her last trip to that amazing city
Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you all her favorites monuments of The National Mall, Washington D.C, during her last trip to that amazing city

If you are planning to know any American city, I will recommend this one with any doubt. Our trip was extremely short in order to see all that this city has to offer. We will go back for sure……

Hope you like it and help you if you are going to go to Washington D.C

Share with your friends in social media and don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter…..

Sending you a lot of kisses and so much love

Happy Monday

Alba X Mylovelypeople

Outfit details

Abrigo / Coat : Zara, SOLD OUT, SIMILAR HERE
Jersey / Sweater: Mango, SOLD OUT, SIMILAR HERE , HERE
Pantalon / Pants: Mango, SOLD OUT, SIMILAR HERE
Botines / Ankle boots: Mango, HERE

6 Replies to “The National Mall, Washington D.C….”

  1. Cada vez q hablas de esta bella ciudad me quedo anonadada …es verdaderamente espectacular y si hay q volver para descubrir los lugares q se nos quedaron por ver…hermoso e instructivo post, como siempre. ..felicitaciones.????????????

    1. Sin duda es una de mis ciudades preferidas, por su colorido, su belleza y todas las cosas bellas que tiene para conocer. Hay que Volver Seguro…..

    1. Es un lugar maravilloso que si algún día visitas la capital, no debes perderte. Es realmente precioso. Gracias guapísima, un beso grande

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