Casablanca stripes matching set

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the many choices that we have with matching set. She is wearing a stripes matching set from Freepeople combined with espadrilles wedges and a big jute shopper bag.

English version is down below…….

Si habeís seguido mi blog desde que comencé hace ya un año, conocereís mi predilección por los conjuntos de dos piezas, (aquí, aquí, aquí y aquí) sobre todo para la época de verano.

No se si os pasará a vosotros también, pero a veces como que nos cansamos de tanto pensar como hacer diferentes combinaciones y justo ahí es cuando los conjuntos juegan un rol importante a la hora de elegír, teniéndonos que ocupar solamente del resto de accesorios.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the many choices that we have with matching set. She is wearing a stripes matching set from Freepeople combined with espadrilles wedges and a big jute shopper bag.
Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the many choices that we have with matching set. She is wearing a stripes matching set from Freepeople combined with espadrilles wedges and a big jute shopper bag.

Al usar este tipo de prendas, ya sea en una versión de un solo color o incluso de algún tipo de estampado, hace que nuestra apariencia luzca mucho más sublime y chic al mismo tiempo. Además del mero hecho de no tener que rompernos la cabeza para crear un estilismo en muy poco tiempo. La mejor parte de estas prendas es que si nos aburrimos de llevarlas juntas podemos combinar sus piezas por separado. Creédme, siempre se gana.  

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the many choices that we have with matching set. She is wearing a stripes matching set from Freepeople combined with espadrilles wedges and a big jute shopper bag.
Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the many choices that we have with matching set. She is wearing a stripes matching set from Freepeople combined with espadrilles wedges and a big jute shopper bag.

Justo antes de mi reciente viaje a Cuba, me hice con éste conjunto, que me fascinó nada más verlo, además de ser perfecto para mi viaje donde el calor sería sin duda alguna el mayor protagonista. Éste en particular, es de una de mis marcas favoritas desde que vivo en Estados Unidos, Free People, pués desde mi punto de vista se adapta a la mujer rebelde y libre de estos tiempos que se caracteriza por no atenerse a códigos ni etiquetas, además de ser diseños para casi todas las edades, pero sobre todo para las más atrevidas, sin duda alguna. Tiene ese toque bohemio que muchas veces buscamos para esos días en los que no queremos mucha complicación a la hora de vestir y aún así estar guapas.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the many choices that we have with matching set. She is wearing a stripes matching set from Freepeople combined with espadrilles wedges and a big jute shopper bag.
Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the many choices that we have with matching set. She is wearing a stripes matching set from Freepeople combined with espadrilles wedges and a big jute shopper bag.

Aún cuando ya casi estamos terminando el verano, en Miami nos adentramos en días muy calurosos y sobre todo húmedos, no os puedo contar como ha llovido en la ciudad en el pasado mes de Agosto. Creédme cuando os digo, que es de las mejores prendas para los días de intenso calor.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the many choices that we have with matching set. She is wearing a stripes matching set from Freepeople combined with espadrilles wedges and a big jute shopper bag.
Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the many choices that we have with matching set. She is wearing a stripes matching set from Freepeople combined with espadrilles wedges and a big jute shopper bag.

Por el largo de la falda, es perfecta para combinarla prácticamente con cualquier tipo de calzado, pero mi favorito para el verano son las alpargatas con plataforma, muy versátiles sin duda ya que lucen estilosas con cualquier tipo de atuendo y no dejamos de estar cómodas sin importar el plan que tengamos para ese día. El mío, fue bastante intenso, nuestro último día de vacaciones antes de regresar a Miami, lo pasamos despidiéndonos de familiares y amigos y casi sin parar de aquí para allá, prácticamente el día entero.

Contadme. ¿Sois de conjuntos o preferís combinarlos por separado….?

Espero os guste y decidme que os ha parecido. No olvidéis compartir en vuestras redes sociales y suscribiros  a nuestra newsletter….

Os mando muchos besos y mucho amor

Alba X Mylovelypeople

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the many choices that we have with matching set. She is wearing a stripes matching set from Freepeople combined with espadrilles wedges and a big jute shopper bag.

If you follow my blog since I started about a year ago, you may already know that I’m a big fan of matching sets, (here, here, here and here) especially for summer season. I don’t know if this happens to you but sometimes I’m just too tired to think about how to pair items, and that’s where matching sets come to play.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the many choices that we have with matching set. She is wearing a stripes matching set from Freepeople combined with espadrilles wedges and a big jute shopper bag.
Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the many choices that we have with matching set. She is wearing a stripes matching set from Freepeople combined with espadrilles wedges and a big jute shopper bag.

Wearing a monochromatic or one-patterned ensemble makes you look immediately more elevated, and people won’t even know how little time you put into thinking about what to wear. The best part is, since they’re separates, you can switch them around and pair them with other pieces if you ever get tired of wearing them together. Trust me; it’s a win-win situation.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the many choices that we have with matching set. She is wearing a stripes matching set from Freepeople combined with espadrilles wedges and a big jute shopper bag.
Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the many choices that we have with matching set. She is wearing a stripes matching set from Freepeople combined with espadrilles wedges and a big jute shopper bag.

Just before my last trip to Cuba I purchased this amazing set, it was love at first sight not only for its color and shape but also for the versatility of its separate pieces, especially the skirt. This one is from one of my favorites brand since we moved to United States, Free People, from my point of view it’s perfect for the modern woman that does not follow any dress code, and live free through fashion and travels, besides its designs have that bohemian touch perfect for any occasion no matter what’s your age.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the many choices that we have with matching set. She is wearing a stripes matching set from Freepeople combined with espadrilles wedges and a big jute shopper bag.
Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the many choices that we have with matching set. She is wearing a stripes matching set from Freepeople combined with espadrilles wedges and a big jute shopper bag.

Even when we are almost at summer end, here in Miami we are having warming and humid days, so this kind of clothes are perfect for this time of the year, especially here. The length’s skirt is great to pair them with almost every kind of shoes, no matter the season, we can combine it with over knee or cowboy’s boots for autumn and winter and it will look amazing.

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the many choices that we have with matching set. She is wearing a stripes matching set from Freepeople combined with espadrilles wedges and a big jute shopper bag.
Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the many choices that we have with matching set. She is wearing a stripes matching set from Freepeople combined with espadrilles wedges and a big jute shopper bag.

For this occasion I paired it with one of my favorites shoes for summer wedges espadrilles, they are really comfortable no matter what are your plans for the day. Mine without any doubt, was really intense because our last day of our Cuba’s holidays were saying good bye to our families and friends and we almost didn’t stop all day long. 

So girls, tell me Do you like matching sets or you prefer separates item?

Hope you like it and tell me What do you think on the comments down below?

Don’t forget to share with friends on social media and subscribe to our newsletter and stay tuned

Sending you a lot of kisses and so much love

Alba X Mylovelypeople

Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the many choices that we have with matching set. She is wearing a stripes matching set from Freepeople combined with espadrilles wedges and a big jute shopper bag.
Alba Marina Otero fashion blogger from Mylovelypeople blog shares with you the many choices that we have with matching set. She is wearing a stripes matching set from Freepeople combined with espadrilles wedges and a big jute shopper bag.

Outfit details

Conjunto / Matching Set : Free People via Revolve, HERE
Espadrilles / Espadrilles wedges : Soludos, SOLD OUT, SIMILAR HERE
Bolso / Bag: Mango, SOLD OUT, SIMILAR HERE

8 Replies to “Casablanca stripes matching set”

    1. Pues tienes ahora mismo infinidad de opciones para hacerte con uno de chaqueta y pantalon. Yo soy muy de conjuntos, como menciono en el blog, nos sacan de un apuro en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.
      Besitos miles guapa y gracias por dejar tu comentario es muy importante para mi

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